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时间:2022-10-30 04:00:40 作者:趣历史 字数:2783字






Estelle kept a photograph of her mother in a silver frame on the kitchen mantelpiece.───埃丝特尔把母亲的一张镶银框的照片挂在厨房壁炉台上。

After the war, a convention was set up to frame a constitution.───战后,为制定宪法组织了一次会议。

His tall and spare frame cut an impressive figure.───他那修长的身材给人以深刻印象.

We'll discuss this when you're in a better frame of mind.───你心情好些时我们再讨论这件事。

I bought a frame rucksack with belt yesterday.───我昨天买了一个带有腰带的有架帆布背包.

We must get the right kind of frame to set off the picture.───我们得找个合适的镜框把这幅画衬得更加好看.

A relaxation session may put you in a better frame of mind.───放松一段时间,你的心情或许会好一些。

By lifting and layering her hair, Michael created a lighter frame for her face.───通过把头发往上梳,增加层次感,迈克尔让她的脸型显得更为柔和。


This old bed has a copper frame.

They removed the picture from its wooden frame.

He learned how to draw the unclothed human frame.

The frame is made of steel.

The detective examined the window frame for fingerprints.