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时间:2022-10-30 08:16:28 作者:趣历史 字数:2834字






Their house is adorned with beautiful antique ornaments.───他们的房子装饰得古色古香.

She was wearing earrings, a necklace and other ornaments.───她带着耳环, 项链和其他装饰品.

The table top was so highly polished that it mirrored the ornaments placed on it.───桌面擦得铮亮,把放在上面的装饰品都映出来了.

The room was full of pictures and other beautiful ornaments.───这个房间布满了图画和其他漂亮的装饰品.

The shelves were chock-a-block with ornaments.───架子上堆满了装饰品。

Dried gourds are sometimes used as ornaments.───干葫芦有时用作饰品.

There were curious pieces of furniture and curious ornaments in nearly all of them.───几乎所有的房间里都有奇怪的家具和奇怪的装饰品。

The portraits and sumptuous ornaments, and the gold clock, show that this is not just any old front room.───墙上挂的画像、奢华的装饰和那座金钟都表明这可不是一间普普通通的客厅。


The shelves were covered with ornaments and useless knick-knacks.

Dried gourds are sometimes used as ornaments.

You should avoid patterned wallpaper and fussy ornaments.

She tidied up and put the ornaments straight.

Their house is adorned with beautiful antique ornaments.