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时间:2022-10-30 12:03:49 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2826字


Female voice


雌声───Female voice


The female voice that answers is thick with an Eastern European accent.───一个带有浓重东欧口音的女人应答了电话。

There surely will be a female voice on next CD.───不过,可以肯定的是,在下张专辑里面肯定会有女声的加入.

The GPS has a female voice , so our friends John and Mary call their device Gladys.───因为这系统是用女声, 我的朋友约翰和玛莉便将之取名为[葛莱蒂丝].

A raspy female voice hollers from behind us.───一声刺耳的女人的喊声从我们背后传来。

You can get the professional female voice file after purchase.───您正式购买后,可以获得专业配音的真人女声语音文件.

A commanding FEMALE VOICE echoes through the chamber.───一个命令般的女声回响在大厅里。

VOXWARE system female voice pronunciation is equipped for the best and clearest sound quality.───备有真人女声发音系统,音质清晰无何比拟.


From the telescreen a brassy female voice was squalling a patriotic song.

The too familiar husky female voice startled her into full wakefulness.

Then I felt a pressure on my arm and a soft female voice asked me for a light.

Nassim was not available, a female voice told me.

A female voice answered approximately a minute later.