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时间:2022-10-30 16:04:13 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2290字


Go to summer camp


夏令营───Summer camp;参加───participate in


Jane: I was in the summer camp.───简: 我在度夏令营.

When you were 14 years old, she paid for a month away at summer camp.───你14岁时, 她花钱让你去参加为期一月的夏令营.

Bobby: Summer camp sounds like something for kooks.───鲍比: 夏令营听起来像是疯子们做的事.

Every year, he and his friends would go to summer camp.───每年, 他和朋友们都要去夏令营.

This is a job, not some kind of damn summer camp!───这是工作, 不是什么该死的夏令营!

At the summer camp we lived in each other's pockets.───在“夏令营”,我们经常在一起.

Today is summer solstice so welcome to Nisha's summer camp!───今天是下夏至,所以啰,欢迎来到妮莎的夏令营!

We had a summer camp on vacation.───我们假期去夏令营了.
