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时间:2022-10-30 20:01:31 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2418字


Old genealogy of Zhenyuan


旧谱───Old spectrum;贞元───Zhenyuan


They will also be able to see the first stars and galaxies that formed in the universe, which are now so old and distant that their light has been relegated to the infra-red part of the spectrum.───他们也能够看到宇宙中行成的第一个恒星和星云-这些恒星和星云古老而又遥远,它们发出的光已经被归入红外光谱。

The key parameter which describes the spatial resolution of imaging spectrum system is the modulation transfer function (MTF), it is an old and difficult topic to measure the MTF.───描述成像光谱仪系统空间分辩率优劣的关键参数是系统的调制传递函数—MTF, MTF的检测是一个古老而又困难的课题。

output of the old spectrum instrument usually was the single value or diagram, can' t meet many demands of modern analytical technical experiment.───早期光谱仪器输出的往往是单个数值或图谱,不能满足现代实验分析技术的许多需要。
