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时间:2022-10-30 20:03:22 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2823字






Tom was filled to satiety by the big dinner.───汤姆在大宴上吃得不能再吃了.

Some or bud, satiety may look like an immediate rupture.───有的还是花骨朵儿, 看起来饱胀得马上要破裂似的.

There is no satiety in study.───学无止境.

Researchers say these sensory clues, in addition to internal body changes signal satiety.───研究人员指出, 除了人体内部的变化外,这些感官提示会引起饱足感.

Resistant starch produces more satiety, possibly partly through the release of a different peptide ( PYY ).───反抗的淀粉生产较多的饱满, 可能地部分透过不同缩氨酸 ( PYY ) 的释放.

As for satiety Don Juan insists upon it, on the contrary.───至于满足,唐璜则相反,他一直坚持如此.

Conersely, satiety pathways are markedly less functional.───而与此相反, 饱满感功能显著减少.


There is no satiety in study.

Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates well-being, calmness and satiety, can be restored by eating carbohydrates.

Tom was filled to satiety by the big dinner.

Satiety is a dream which will always elude you.

The occurring rates of postcibal satiety, retention of gastric juice and enterogastric reflux were remarkably lower in VTPPD group than in the other 2 groups.