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时间:2022-10-31 00:00:33 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3224字


Be obliged to do sth




When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.



South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation to obey federal law.───南卡罗来纳州声称有权力免除该州公民遵守联邦法规的义务。

You're under obligation to care her.───你有义务照顾她. responsibility指 “由于法律、职业或道德等的要求而应尽的责任”,含有 “ 法津上对后果负责任”的意味,如:

Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions.───政府至少在道义上有责任回应这些问题。

His social obligation compels him to make a round of visits.───他的社会职责使得他不得不进行一系列访问.

The court laid the young thief under an obligation to report to the police station once a week.───法院强迫那个小偷每周向警察局报到一次.

I cannot, however, let this opportunity pass without expressing my deep obligation to Dr. Hooker.───但是我不能失此机会, 不向霍克博士表示深切的感谢.

You are under no obligation to buy anything.───你不必非买什么东西不可。

You have a contractual obligation to finish the building this month.───你受合同的约束,要在本月完成这项建筑.


She is under an obligation to her adoptive mother.

She did not feel under any obligation to tell him the truth.

You are under no obligation to buy anything.

I don't want people coming to see me out of a sense of obligation.

We will send you an estimate for the work without obligation .