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时间:2022-10-31 04:02:31 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2434字


Emperor tiger


帝虎───Emperor tiger


Emperor in Heaven knows quite early that someone wants to poison Emperor Jianwen. So he sends Golden Tiger star to descend to the earth, saving Emperor Jianwen.───天上的玉皇大帝,早知道有人要毒害建文帝,就派金虎星下凡营救。

You can't eat me," he told the tiger. "I am sent by the Emperor of Heavens to be the king of all beasts."───老虎饶牠一命,并说:“您不能吃我,我是天帝派来做百兽之王的。”

After the ox, came the tiger, panting, while explaining to the Jade Emperor just how difficult it was to cross the river with the heavy currents pushing it downstream all the time.───后面是老虎,它喘着气一直向玉帝说着在强大的水流往下冲的情况下渡过河流是多么的困难。

To return to heaven, the Jade Emperor Tiger winning streak for dog day, we receive in its previous three carved horizontal line.───回到天上,玉帝因老虎连胜三伏,便在它的前领刻下了三条横线。
