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时间:2022-10-31 04:05:09 作者:星火作文 字数:2820字


Yu Hua


余华───Yu Hua


Hua doesn’t employ this newly minted phrase, but he uses ones that are just as highly charged.───余华没有使用这个新名词,但他的措辞同样犀利。

Hua doesn't employ this newly minted phrase, but he USES ones that are just as highly charged.───余华也没有忘记词语的演化,但他的方式远没有威廉斯那么客观机械和偏重分析。

In light of the title of Yu Hua's book, I thought it likely that it would contain chapters much like the Times piece.───从余华新书的题目上看,我想书里很可能会有和该文相似的篇章。

But Yu Hua's vanguard in the pursuit of literature as if he was the existence of some extreme, whereas he seemed to move.───但余华的转型如他当年追求先锋文学般存在着些许的极端性,媚俗似乎向他靠拢。

Yu Hua is the author grew up in eighties, his body both writers of this era has its own personality similarities.───余华是八十年代成长起来的作家,他身上既有这个时代作家的共性又有自己的个性。


The several hundred spinning - machines in the Yu Hua Filature that had full pressure suddenly stopped.

In the workshop of the Yu Hua Silk Filature all the lights were already on.

The workshop of the Yu Hua Filature was as silent as the grave.