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时间:2022-10-31 12:01:53 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2636字


strong wind


长风───strong wind


A paper bird cannot stand the strong wind, and a clay figurine cannot bear the heavy rain.───纸鸟经不起风吹, 泥人经不住雨淋.

Last night's strong wind nearly took the roof off!───昨夜的大风差一点把屋顶刮掉了.

The big tree rocked in the strong wind.───大树在狂风中摇动.

The strong wind was hurling bits of wood around as though they were toys.───大风把木片掷来掷去,就好像它们是玩具似的.

In such a strong wind the sailboat kept heeling to the left.───在这样的大风中帆船保持向左倾斜.

As strong wind lashed against the sails, forcing the boat to change course.───强风吹顶着风帆, 迫使船改变航道.

There was a strong wind.───有一阵大风。

There is a strong wind getting up.───刮起了大风.


The strong wind was hurling bits of wood around as though they were toys.

The strong wind was hurling bits of wood aboutas though they were toys.

There is a strong wind getting up.

The young trees wavered in the strong wind.

In such a strong wind the sailboat kept heeling to the left.