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时间:2022-10-31 16:01:35 作者:学习啦 字数:2910字


Safety Officer


安全员───Safety Officer


The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures.───卫生安全官员将向你把安全规程解释一遍。

Safety Officer reports directly to the Team Leader.───安全负责人直接向团队领导报告。

The safety officer shouts.───安全员又大喊起来.

Your name is Tim Kingston ( Safety Officer ).───你叫蒂姆·金斯顿 ( 安全官员 ).

A safety officer checks on workers on Southeast Asia's biggest offshore oil platform.───在东南亚一家最大的陆上石油平台上,一名安全检查官正监督工人干活。

Management Skill and Techniques of Safety Officer.───管理技巧及安全主任应有之技能等.

The fire - safety officer made it pretty clear that could be a fatal mistake.───消防队员说的非常清楚,那可能是致命的错误.

Certified Safety Engineer is preferred , or at least Certified Middle Safety Officer.───注册安全工程师或至少是中级注册安全主任.


Your name is Tim Kingston ( Safety Officer ).

Accidents must be reported to the safety officer.

The Safety Officer provides guidance on firefighting and office safety.

Gloucestershire's road safety officer says the vast majority were due to driver error.

We also get a number of visits at the playgroup, including the local road safety officer who talks to the children.