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时间:2022-10-31 16:04:33 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3399字


Shen Hong


沈薶───Shen Hong


KAN HONG LU which is Shen Congwen's evening psychological novels, became excellent because of the liberation of reader's aesthetic concept and advance of reader's aesthetic ability.───虹录》这篇沈从文后期实验心理小说的代表作,也因为读者审美观念的解放和审美能力的提升而显得秀外慧中。

Sport dancers Liang Yujie and Shen Hong claimed the Tango gold at the Guangzhou Asian Games on Saturday, which is China's 1000th since the country made an Asian Games debut in 1974.───体育舞蹈选手梁瑜洁和沈宏在周六的广州亚运会上夺得了探戈舞冠军,这也是中国自1974年开始派队参加亚运会以来,所取得的第1000枚金牌。

I want to talk briefly about the background of Benjamin March, but first I want to thank Shen Hong, who first recognized the exhibition potential of the March photographs.───我想要简单介绍一下本杰明·马奇的背景,但是首先,我想向沈弘表示感谢,是他首先发现了马奇的图片所涵具的展览潜力。

In the second story, nurse Shen Hong, also return to Fengjie and scours the area for her husband, who has been apart from her for two years.───第二个故事中,护士沈红也来到奉节遍寻她的丈夫,丈夫已有两年不归,而且似乎已经沉迷于一个经理的工作和生活方式。

Shen Hong Shen former residence and the adjacent residence is a two-story, before there is a courtyard full of flowers and plants.───沈从文故居与洪深故居相邻,也是一栋二层小楼,前有一庭院,植满了花草。

On Female Consciousness in Shen Hong guang's Drama───论沈虹光戏剧的女性意识


Sport dancers Liang Yujie and Shen Hong claimed the Tango gold at the Guangzhou Asian Games on Saturday, which is China's 1000th since the country made an Asian Games debut in 1974.