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时间:2022-10-31 20:04:29 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3114字


Little joke


小笑话───Little joke


Scare you? Just a little joke, never mind!───吓着你了吗?只是一个小玩笑,别介意哦!

You have taken my little joke too much to heart.───你对我开的这个小玩笑过于认真了。

Wimsatt has his little joke about drinking a pint of beer.───文萨特有一个关于喝一品脱啤酒的小笑话。

When he tried to make a little joke, the judge warned him not to give frivolous replies to the lawyer's questions.───当他试著开一点玩笑时,法官警告他不要对律师的问题给予玩世不恭的答覆。

I wanted to see him and decided to play a little joke on him in front of his highly conventional colleagues.───我想见见他,并且决定当着他那些相当传统的同事的面,跟他开个小小的玩笑。

Be thankful that they are ready to have a little joke at their own expense and press their own magic red button.───感谢他们花钱为自己开了个小玩笑,然后为他们自己的灭亡按下那个神奇的红色按钮。


Her sophomore year, the little joke about her was, "The crystal ball predicts that Henry and Gates will buy a house with a white picket fence and have twelve kids."

Sorry, just my little joke. Now, sir, your real address?

Wimsatt has his little joke about drinking a pint of beer, taking a walk. So the New Criticism just isn't interested in those sorts of spontaneous overflow.

The art work is primitive but the silly little joke is what comics used to be about.

Rain thanked her, not having the heart to tell her about Georgie's other little joke.