A new traitor tracing scheme based on NTRU cryptosystem and Chinese remainder theorem is proposed.───基于NTRU公钥加密系统和中国剩余定理,提出了一种新的叛逆者追踪方案.
Several power flow tracing methods based on actual power flow are introduced.───在回顾了以往基于交易和基于直流潮流灵敏度分析的分配方案后,重点对几种基于潮流跟踪的分配方案进行了评述.
Draw trace the map on a large sheet of paper tracing paper.───提请追查地图上大片的白皮书追踪文件.
Tracing the improvement and result when project close, and give the LLC from quality.───项目关闭时改进项目和结果的追踪, 质量方面的经验教训.
The research effort has focused on tracing the effects of growing levels of five compounds.───研究集中跟踪5种化合物水平上升带来的影响。
Doppler velocity tracing was of high speed and high hinder.───Doppler流速曲线为高速、高阻型.
She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks.───她通过描摹旧故事书上的图画学会了画画。
It also demonstrates some problems of tracing specific national origins of building designs and techniques.───此外追寻具体的民族建筑设计与技术起源也有困难.
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