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时间:2022-11-01 00:01:58 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3118字


private home


民宅───private home


At the entrance to each room, a photograph displays what it looked like in the 19th century, when this was still a private home.───在每个房间的入口处,都陈列着该馆19时期时的照片,当时这里都是私宅。

Private home ownership is increasing faster than ever.───私有房产正以前所未有的速度增长。

This applies more strictly in a private home.───这些礼节在私人家里会更严格。

Within a few days, she found a small space in a private home in a shantytown and began teaching a small group of children of different ages.───几天后,她在一个棚户区内一个私人家庭里找到了一小片空间,开始教不同年龄的一些儿童读书。

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Today, Biltmore belongs to the grandchildren of George Vanderbilt. However, it is no longer used as a private home.───今天,比尔特莫尔属于乔治范德比尔特的孙子女。不过,它不再是用作私人住宅。

Generally speaking, pot is only to be smoked indoors, either in your private home or in a licensed bar.───一般来说,大麻只能在室内吸食,要么在你自己家里,要么在政府特许的酒吧里。


It is a white cottage-style residence, built as a private home in 1820.

Private home ownership is increasing faster than ever.

The police station is in a private home that the Communists expropriated in 1948.

Dame Sybil Connolly, internationally renowned interior designer, entertains at her private home in Dublin.

Dotted with antiques and fine paintings this hotel has the feel of a private home.