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时间:2022-11-01 00:03:40 作者:语文迷 字数:2811字


Win win goal


双赢目标───Win win goal


Blues last win against Arsenal came in January 2006 when James Beattie scored the only goal in a 1-0 win at Goodison Park.───蓝色上次战胜阿森纳是在2006年1月,凭借比缇的进球在谷地森公园1 - 0小胜阿森纳。

To optimize the whole supply chain and attain the win-win goal, mutual optimal lot size models and the quantity discount pricing models were proposed under the cooperative game.───为使供应链得到优化、供需双方达到双赢的目的,提出了供需双方合作博弈条件下的最优批量及数量折扣定价模型。

Win-win cooperation — not zero-sum competition — is a very achievable goal.───双赢合作- - -而不是零和竞争- - -是极容易达成的目标。

The Company to customers as the center and services for the concept of mutual benefit for win-win goal.───本公司以顾客为中心,以优质服务为理念,以互利双赢为目标。

Hope Pharma sincerely hope to cooperate with the customers from all over the world and achieve a win-win goal.───和普药业以开放的姿态愿与海内外客户真诚合作,实现双赢的理想目标。

Sharing troubles together and achieving a win-win goal is the inevitable course to realize development and common prosperity for humankind.───同舟共济、互利共赢,是实现人类共同发展繁荣的必由之路。
