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时间:2022-11-01 04:04:17 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2919字


All in one


挂子───Hang son;全───whole


The trickiest challenge for the expedition team was to find a way over the Great Wall of Vietnam, an overhanging mass of flowstone that blocked the way deep inside Hang Son Doong.───对探险队来说最棘手的挑战是找出一条翻越“越南长城”的路,这是韩松洞深处挡道的一片悬挂着的石帘。

a castle on a Knoll, a rock formation shines beneath a skylight in Hang Son Doong.───一堆岩石好似小山上的城堡,在韩松洞的天窗下闪亮。

Hang Son Doong covers a fast flowing river and the British expedition team exclaimed in surprise when they crossed it by rope.───韩松洞底横越了一条湍急的河流,想渡河还须使用绳索,让英国探险队员们连连惊叹。

The river shortly re emerges onto the surface, then burrows into Hang Son Doong after a few miles.───饶龙河不久再度流出地表,几英里之后又流进韩松洞。

Rare cave pearls fill dried-out terrace pools near the Garden of Edam in Hang Son Doong.───罕见的洞穴珠充满了韩松洞内伊丹花园附近干枯的梯塘。

Hidden in the depths of the Vietnamese jungle lies The Hang Son Doong, part of a network of over 150 caves.───韩松洞隐藏在越南森林的深处是一个由150多个洞穴组成的洞穴网的一部分。


Rare cave pearls fill dried-out terrace pools near the Garden of Edam in Hang Son Doong.