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时间:2022-11-01 08:23:41 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3018字






We should be looking at hormone production during late pregnancy and lactation.───应该对怀孕后期和哺乳期荷尔蒙产生的过程作研究.

Lactation is the final phase of the reproductive cycle of mammals.───泌乳是哺乳动物繁殖周期的最后阶段.

It is forbidden for pregnant and lactation women, and on injured skin.───孕妇及哺乳期妇女 、 皮肤破损处禁用.

Lactation: Production of milk by female mammals after giving Birth.───泌乳: 妇女生育后分泌乳汁的现象.

Are you now in pregnant, confinement or lactation period?───是否正在怀孕期 、 产期或哺乳期?

What are the differences between cows and sows in reproduction and lactation?───那母牛与母猪在繁殖哺乳上有什麽不同 呢 ?

Harbor seals are small compared with other phocids species such as grey seals, all of which are known to fast for the entire lactation period.───与其他 phocids 物种(如灰海豹)相比,港海豹体型较小。众所周知,灰海豹在整个哺乳期都禁食。

Lactation is suppressed by administration of androgens.───用雄激素制止泌乳.


To explore nursing method for early and rich lactation.

Lactation is suppressed by administration of androgens.

Because of the long gestation and lactation periods, the interval between calving is usually at least two or three years.

Are you now in pregnant, confinement or lactation period?

Breast infections occur during lactation.