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时间:2022-11-01 12:03:19 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2843字


Wu Hua


吴桦───Wu Hua


Zhang Hua mainly lived in the period of Jian 'an and the beginning of Wei. His whole life can be divided into three parts: Wei period, emperor Wu and Hui Dynasty.───张华主要生活在曹魏末期和西晋初期,其人生经历按朝代可分为曹魏时期、武帝时期、惠帝时期三个阶段。

For pylorus cancer: use wu hua guo (figs) to make into decoction. Take orally 3 times per day.───无花果不拘量,水煎内服,每日三次,可治胃幽门癌。《常氏方》。

The building is very simple and elegant, with Gao Hua Wu, also a small courtyard, garden, village farmhouse.───建筑十分古朴典雅,有高堂华屋、深宅大院,亦有小楼庭园、村居农舍。

Cornices far-reaching, Wading ease the slope, so the appearance of ease, special shapes, star anise, commonly known as Wu Hua Temple.───飞檐深远,瓦顶坡度缓和,因而外观舒畅,形制特殊,俗称五花八角殿。

Phil legend to the "rights" and that Taylor's colorful speech, Wu Hua ability to force it to you!───以传奇菲尔的“权利”和泰勒那五花斑斓的演说能力来给你力量吧!

This is online map of the address "Wu Hua Xiang Wu Hua Cun , Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" .───这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区赤峰市宁城县五化乡五化村”匹配的在线电子地图。
