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时间:2022-11-01 16:03:01 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2781字


Qi Yi


耆颐───Qi Yi


Based on the practical results of optimum dispatching for Qi-Yi reservoir, the task and the method of reservoir optimum dispatching were described.───根据“七一”水库优化调度实施成果,闸述了水库优化调度的任务与方法。

Objective: Observe the effect of late malignant tumor having no adaptation crux of chemotherapy treated by Yi-Qi-Yang-Xue decoction.───目的:观察益气养血汤对晚期恶性肿瘤非化疗适应症治疗的效果。

chapter analyzed Qi, Zhi, Yi, Yong as the four cores concepts of Mencius's thought of"Dazhangfu".───章分析了孟子的大丈夫思想中气、志、勇、义四个核心概念。

This is online map of the address "Xin Qiao Zhen Mai Yuan Cun Qi Yi Lu , Zhangping City, Longyan Shi, Fujian Province, China" .───这是地址“中国福建省龙岩市漳平市新桥镇麦元村七一路”匹配的在线电子地图。

This is online map of the address "Fei Nan Lu Jiang Qi Yi Cun , Baohe District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China" .───这是地址“中国安徽省合肥市包河区淝南路江汽一村”匹配的在线电子地图。

Effect of Gui-qi-yi-mu powder on plasma NO level in postpartum cows with Qi-deficency and Blood-stasis syndrome───归芪益母散对奶牛产后气虚血瘀证血浆一氧化氮含量的影响
