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时间:2022-11-01 20:01:22 作者:星火作文 字数:3490字


High short


高短───High short


Your new job sounds too good to be true — interesting work, high pay, short hours. Isn't there any fly in the ointment?───你的新工作听起来实在太好了——工作有趣味,待遇高,时间短。有什么美中不足的地方吗?

There is a bit of self - delusion at work, with an under-talented but over-expectant segment asserting that their skills deserve high short-term rewards.───有一点自欺欺人的做法在发挥作用,一部分才能不足但期望过高的人声称,他们的技能理应获得高额短期回报。

increase of electric power and growing transmission networks leads to very high short circuit currents.───电力系统容量和并网规模的扩大,导致系统故障电流迅速增加。

Operations strategy, end of investors do not easily copied, you can wait for every high short selling opportunity.───操作策略上,投资者不要轻易抄底,可以等待逢高抛空的机会。

Institutions come under pressure to follow the strategies of those able to show high short-term profits.───金融机构面临压力,需要遵从可以带来高额短期收益的策略。

There are a lot of problems. . . but an excessively high short-term interest rate is not one of them.───有很多问题存在…但短期利率过高并不是问题。


Market rebound is unlikely before the 51, operated mainly to short idea, every high short 09 Zheng cotton blank form can continue to hold.

It was proved that High Speed Assist Submersed Gas-jetting EDM Milling is an effective solution to solve high short circuit ratio problem of EDM in gas, and reveals good machining performance.

High short back pressure and back, Yin sunset bar line charge, short trend of high-grade back pressure are still weak.

The test showed that in the region dominated by sub tropical high, short wave radiation was the main cause of the SST increase, surface warm water convergence played a secondary role.