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时间:2022-11-01 20:04:41 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2652字


Dancing Lama




this, we can see a great number of Buddhist temples and lama in LiJiang.───在这里形成了丽江大量的佛教寺庙和五大喇叭庙并存的局面。

The lama official paid an inspection visit to temples at various places and was warmly welcomed.───大堪布视察各地寺院时,受到了各寺院的欢迎.

Lama Phuntsok has a special talent for calligraphy and taught these skills to younger students.───其后,他除了续任智慧林维那之外,也开始教导年轻僧伽文法、典、术、玛制作.

A lama must be a monk, but not all monks can become lamas.───喇嘛必须是和尚, 但不是所有的和尚都可以成为喇嘛.

SPIEGEL : War es ebenfalls eine Belehrung , als Kanzlerin Merkel den Dalai Lama in ihrem Amt empfing?───这儿没人相信您的话.

Yonghegong Lamasery is the largest lama temple in Beijing.───雍和宫是北京城内规模最大的喇嘛寺.

Lama Temple tour finishes at about 11:00.───游览一个小时,游览结束大约在11:00.

Experience the life story of Tibet's greatest saint and scholar , Lama Tsongkhapa , through medium of dance!───透过舞蹈艺术体验西藏大成就者-宗格巴大师的生平故事!
