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时间:2022-11-02 04:00:39 作者:趣历史 字数:2744字






The play bored me stiff.───这出戏剧使我非常腻烦.

There is so much noise and she was bored to death.───嘈杂声太大,她烦死了.

The women are cross and bored.───这些妇女们感到愤怒和厌烦。

One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.───一天下午,我觉得有些无聊,还真的睡着了一小会儿。

Your grandmother has nothing to stop her from being bored, grouchy and lonely.───你奶奶既无聊又孤独,总是没完没了地发牢骚。

The politician's speech bored the crowd to tear.───这个政客的演出讲使听众厌烦得要哭出来.

I went out last night, but not for very long. I was bored to death.───昨晚我出去了,但没有呆很久。我感觉无聊透了。

All too often, they get bored, and seek refuge in drink and drugs.───太多的时候,他们觉得无聊就在酒精和毒品中寻求慰藉。


Some children get bored very quickly.

Children quickly get bored by adult conversation.

Everyone around him was trying to be polite, but you could tell they were all bored.

I read the first few chapters and then got bored.

Voters are bored with politicians warming over old policies.