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时间:2022-11-02 04:02:40 作者:星火作文 字数:2744字


Four poems


四诗───Four poems


among scholars that who is the original author of the four poems and two letters with signature of Kong Zang in Kong Cong Zi and when they were written.───孔丛子》中所存题名为孔臧的四赋二书,其作者和写作时间历来多为学者们所质疑。

I know the index-card waltz of (auto)biographies, poems and novels you are dancing: those same names are still so close to the surface of my mind nearly four decades later.───我知道你的手指曾在那些目录页上来回舞动---华尔兹的传记,诗歌,小说,四十年后的今天,我仍清楚的记得这些。

They were very short poems. Many were only four lines long.───这些诗十分短小,许多只写了四句话。

Four Poems "beauty" is not isolated to each other, and to enjoy the experience together.───诗歌四“美”不是互相孤立的,而要综合起来欣赏体会。

She wrote a letter to Higginson and enclosed four poems to inquire his appraisal and advice.───她写了一封信金森和封闭四首,询问他的评价和意见。

Four Poems by John Milton───约翰弥尔顿4首诗


She wrote a letter to Higginson and enclosed four poems to inquire his appraisal and advice.