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时间:2022-11-02 16:02:52 作者:语文迷 字数:3372字


Fine mist


晴霭───Fine mist


fine mist of seawater into the sky. From a fleet of remote-control wind-powered ships!───他打算通过一队遥控风力船向天空碰撒精细的海水水雾!

Note: If fine mist sprayer becomes clogged or fails to spray, rinse sprayer tube and top with hot water.───留意:假如喷头梗塞或喷不出来,那么翻开盖子,用热水冲洗喷雾器。

Liquid through the tower at the top of the high-speed centrifugal atomizer, (rotation) Spray into a very fine mist liquid beads.───液经塔体顶部的高速离心雾化器,(旋转)喷雾成极细微的雾状液珠。

Cool mist humidifiers put moisture into the air by using a motor that converts the water to a fine mist.───冷雾水雾加湿器是通过使用马达把水转换成雾来增加空气湿度的。

As you sit at your table, a fine mist of water sprays from a sprinkler hidden in the plastic foliage surrounding the dining area.───然后,当你坐在桌子前面的时候,隐藏在餐厅周围塑料植物中的喷水装置会喷出水雾。

By spraying a fine mist of seawater into the sky. From a fleet of remote-control wind-powered ships!───他打算通过一队遥控风力船向天空碰撒精细的海水水雾!


We tie up the boats and wade up the creek towards it, enveloped in a wind of fine mist.

SprayCool patented two-phase liquid cooling technology uses a fine mist of non-corrosive, non-conductive liquid, sprayed in a thin layer, which evaporates and cools electronics.

The oil is thrown upward as droplets or fine mist and provides adequate lubrication to valve mechanisms, piston pins, cylinder walls, and piston rings.

The fine mist at the edges of the room seemed to be drifting closer, enveloping her in its clinging tendrils.

It was, in fact, a fine mist of spray still being ripped from the sea by the gale.