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时间:2022-11-02 16:05:23 作者:趣历史 字数:3330字


Western Union


西联───Western Union


Western Union introduces coast - to - coast fax service.───西部联合电报公司开通大西洋岸到太平洋岸的传真业务.

We accept Paypal, Western Union , Money Booker and wire transfer through a bank.───我们接受支付宝和银行电汇等付款方式.

If you buy in bulk, please send by western union transfer.───如果您在购买散装, 请发送通过西联汇款.

Do not send Western Union or Wire Transfers to China!───翻译应该是:不要发送西联或电汇给中国.

Yes, Virginia, you can still send a telegram, though not through Western Union.───是的,弗吉尼亚,你还可以发送电报,尽管不能穿越西部联盟。

Western Union formed by six men from Rochester , N . Y. They start an acquisition spree.───来自纽约罗切斯特的六个人成立西部联合电报公司, 他们开始了一次疯狂收获的历程.

One time, I went with Tyler to the Western Union office and watched as he sent Marla's mother a telegram.───有一次我跟泰勒到西部联盟快线服务处看着他给马拉的母亲发了封电报。

Her cousin was able to quickly contact Western Union and cancel the transfer before the money was picked up by the imposter in London.───她堂兄得以迅速联系西联国际汇款公司,在伦敦的骗子提款前取消了转账。


It was hoped that Western Union would cooperate with the Black Chamber in providing copies of needed messages.

In recent years Western Union has diversified into other communications businesses.

They were returned to Western Union before the close of the same day.

Western Union introduces coast - to - coast fax service.

He purchased Western Union through a bankruptcycourt reorganization, selling off its well-known money-transfer business.