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时间:2022-11-02 20:00:31 作者:星火作文 字数:3149字


Twenty thirty


二十三十───Twenty thirty


Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years.───他在生命的最后一年,在所写文章中表达了自己这样的想法,他认为在过去的二三十年里,思想在两三个方面发生了变化。

It also shows that the majority of teachers—say ages twenty to thirty—read the magazine about classroom activities.───还显示,大多数20岁到30岁之间的教师会阅读有关课堂活动的杂志。

The crown of thorns starfish is large, twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters in diameter, and has seven to twenty-one arms that are covered in spines.───棘冠海星很大,直径长达25到35厘米,有7到21条手臂,上面布满了刺。

Pace yourself and don't try to undo ten (twenty, thirty, forty) years of less-than-desirable habits, behaviours and results by next Tuesday.───一步一步走并不要尝试在10年(20年,30年,40年)的时间内松懈自己相对称心的习惯,行为以及下个星期二到来的结果。

Simply dedicate a small chunk of time to basic idea generation: ten minutes, twenty, thirty, it's up to you.───有时候生成创意可能只需要花十分钟,二十分钟,三十分钟,这完全取决于你。

The United Nations predicts a population of more than eight billion by the year twenty thirty.───联合国预测到2030年,世界人口将超过80亿。


They work until they drop, twenty, thirty hours at a time.

Everything, all of living, is postponed for the next twenty, thirty years.