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时间:2022-11-02 20:03:42 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3055字


air transport


空运───air transport


German air transport had very little space available.───德国运输机中可以利用的舱位很少.

The air transport company will collect payment on your behalf from the consigner, against delivery.───航空运输公司可以代你在交货时, 向收货人收取货款.

Strategic location, rich fishery resources , land , sea and air transport facilities.───地理位置优越, 渔业资源丰富, 陆海空交通便利.

Air transport will soon be central, not marginal, to the emissions issue.───航空运输的排放物问题不久之后将由边缘走向中心.

The sudden onset of winter caused havoc with rail and air transport.───冬天的突然降临让铁路和航空运输系统陷入混乱。

Conjecture II : Air Transport Unit will highlight the investment opportunities?───猜想 二: 航空运输股将凸显投资机会?

Is located in the blessed land, sea and air transport hub position.───地处得天独厚的海、陆 、 空、交通枢纽位置.

Analyst Wang Bai Xue of China in 2008 the air transport market.───王柏学系统分析了2008年的中国航空运输市场.


For the more serious cases, there was air transport direct to base hospital, possibly hundreds of miles to the rear.

In the air transport business, safety must always come before profit.

German air transport had very little space available.

Third, the Air Transport Unit.

It proposed an international convention on air transport under the auspices of an international authority.