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时间:2022-11-03 00:02:18 作者:星火作文 字数:2487字


Overseas remittance


侨寄───Overseas remittance


Therefore, this dissertation tries to elaborate the Southeast Asia overseas Chinese remittance and the modern Fujian area overseas Chinese district construction relations from following three aspects.───为此,本文试从以下三方面来论述东南亚华侨汇款与近代福建地区侨乡建设间的关系。

Alternatively, you can transfer money overseas by visiting any one of our branches that has a foreign remittance service.───您可以选择,在我们任何一个分行都有提供您外国汇款服务。

Inward Remittance Inward Remittance means the overseas remitter remits the funds to the payee.───汇入汇款:境外汇款人将款项从国外汇给收款人的业务。

The business of overseas remittance was a special service industry developed on the basis of the special needs of the overseas Chinese.───侨批业是基于特殊的华侨社会需要而引发的特殊服务行业。

Receiving Overseas Remittance at Postal Savings Bank of China───中国邮政储蓄银行接收境外汇款路径
