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时间:2022-11-03 08:03:10 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2880字






Their exploits are comparable with those of Wang Zhaojun.───她们的事迹可以和昭君出塞媲美。

Daniel, this is the statue of Wang Zhaojun.───大牛,这就是王昭君的雕像。

content of Zhaojun poems varied with times.───昭君诗的内容随时代不同而发生变化。

Minister in charge of the candidates who are not anxious to hear Wang Zhaojun is going, so she submitted the name of Emperor Hanyuan.───管事的大臣正在为没人应征焦急,听到王昭君肯去,就把她的名字上报汉元帝。

"Wang zhaojun self-owned qiangiu intermarriages domestic-market-oriented super-knowledge, " you know this song famous poems?───“昭君自有千秋在,胡汉和亲识见高”您知道这首著名的诗吗?

One balmy autumn day, Zhaojun bid a farewell to her hometown and set out to the north.───在一个秋高气爽的日子里,昭君告别了故土,登程北去。


Zhaojun Tomb is the tomb of Wang Zhaojun, a Han Dynasty palace lady-in-waiting who became the consort of a Xiongnu ruler.

Wang Zhaojun married a Hun tribal chief.

In Hohhot South 20 kilometers with Zhaojun tomb.

He Zhaojun was born in 1984, and now is a master in school of electronics and information engineer, Beijing Jiaotong University. Her research area is hybrid integrated circuit design and verification.