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时间:2022-11-03 16:00:41 作者:学习啦 字数:3378字


Generating capacity


发电量───Generating capacity


The dam would add a large amount of generating capacity.───该大坝位于遥远的东北部,会大大增加发电量。

Last year generating capacity surged by 50%.───去年风力发电量猛增50%。

A century later the picture was completely different: by then, the world had an electric industry, and a quarter of its generating capacity was water powered.───一个世纪后,情况完全不同了:这时,世界上已经有了电力工业,其四分之一的发电量是水力驱动的。

The region is valued for its coal and vast electricity-generating capacity.───这个地区因其煤炭资源丰富和发电能力巨大而备受重视。

We have to pay attention to the return and actual generating capacity.───不能再讲故事了,要重视回报和实际发电量.

California, Texas and Iowa have the largest wind power generating capacity in the United States.───加州 、 德州和爱荷华州拥有全美最大的风电产能.

Today, hydraulic power capacity is about over 20 % of the total power generating capacity.───到目前为止, 我国水电站的发电量,在全国总发电量中已经超过20%.


By 2030, Kenya aims to have generating capacity of 5, 000 megawatts of geothermal electricity, or more than twice the capacity of all of Kenya's current electrical plants.

However, when generating capacity is relatively low, mostly below 5 kW.

Between 1952 and 1981 electricity generating capacity grew by over 14% per year.

Thermal power generating capacity accounts for about 80% of all electricity, thermal power generating capacity is expected to 3.76 trillion KWH.

We're making our government's largest ever investment in renewable energy – an investment aimed at doubling the generating capacity from wind and other renewable resources in three years.