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时间:2022-11-03 16:03:06 作者:星火作文 字数:2924字


go slowly


安步───go slowly


Could you go slowly, my lovely moon?───我心爱的月亮,你可以慢慢走吗?

Not farewell or Godspeed, but " Go slowly. "───不说再见,不说祝你平安, 而说 “ 慢走 ”.

Just go slowly. Take It'step by step.───慢慢学, 一步一步地往下学就行了.

I can't keep pace with you at this rate. Go slowly.───你这速度我可跟不上, 请慢点儿.

Smile, breathe and go slowly." - Thich Nhat hanh.───微笑,呼吸,慢慢地走”——一行禅师。

Scobie watched bearers go slowly up the hill; their bare feet very gently flapping the ground.───斯考比看着担架夫慢慢地爬上小山, 他们赤裸的脚板在地面上轻轻地拍打着.

It tells us that goal setting is a process which can last a lifetime. Go slowly.───它告诉我们设立目标不是一蹴而就的事情, 不必操之过急.

Therefore, like the tortoise in the fable, i'd better go slowly but surely.───所以, 就像审议故事里的乌龟, 我要走得慢一点但稳当一点.


Smile, breathe, and go slowly. Thich Nhat Hanh 

Not farewell or Godspeed, but " Go slowly. "

Cooley warns that one should go slowly and not slip at the last rung of the ladder.

We only have to go slowly slowly, slowing down our pace, stop-go, learn to enjoy each piece of his time is now.

We'll go slowly to begin with.