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时间:2022-11-03 16:04:55 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2607字






A giraffe cannot cough.───长颈鹿没办法咳嗽。

How can a giraffe more speedy than a jaguar?───如何能更快捷长颈鹿比美洲虎?

You mean you get the hyena, and I choose between the hippo and the giraffe?───你是说你挑了土狼剩下河马和长颈鹿给我挑?

The giraffe is tall. The giraffe is tall.───长颈鹿很高. 长颈鹿很高.

The giraffe cannot make any vocalizations.───长颈鹿不能发声.

You have two giraffe toys.───你有两个长颈鹿玩具。

Look at the lion. Look at the giraffe. Look at the monkey.───看这只狮子. 看这只长颈鹿. 看这只猴子.

The giraffe is much taller than the deer.───长颈鹿比鹿高多了.


A full-grown giraffe is 5.5m tall.

Herds of giraffe and waterbuck raced across the swamps in our shadow as we swooped on to the sandy airstrip.

Billy was a giraffe[http://sentencedict.com], too.

He felt, it might be, as some giraffe fettered in a too-low cage.

It is illustrated with drawings of buffalo, giraffe, warthog and camp scenes, and describes a rhino hunt.