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时间:2022-11-03 20:01:11 作者:学习啦 字数:2688字


Holding gall




title "colonel" was an honorific.───上校"头衔是尊称。

The organization changed its cumbersome title to something easier to remember.───这家机构把它那复杂累赘的名称改得好记一些了。

aspirants to the title of world champion───有志夺取世界冠军的人

"Patience and Sarah" was first published in 1969 under the title "A Place for Us".───《佩兴丝与萨拉》一书最初于1969年出版时以《属于我们的地方》为名。

The university conferred on him the title of LL. D .───该学院授予他法学 博士 称号.

a title printed in bold caps───以粗体大写字母印刷的标题

This will be his eighth title bout in 19 months.───这将是他19个月里的第8次卫冕赛。

Three players are in contention to win the title.───三个运动员在争夺这个项目的冠军.


Has he any title to the land?

The title of the novel is "Sons and Lovers".

Has anyone got any suggestions for a title?

She retained her tennis title for the third year.

The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son.