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时间:2022-11-03 20:03:16 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2911字


immune system




The immune system is our main defence against disease.───人体的免疫系统是抵御疾病的主要屏障。

Whilst Marc did gradually harden himself to the poverty, he did not become immune to the sight of death.───尽管马克逐渐对贫困现象无动于衷,但他对于死亡的惨象还是不免动容。

Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.───免疫系统不能充分发挥作用时,身体就会出现问题.

The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par.───这种综合征更容易对那些免疫系统已经低于正常水平的人构成威胁。

Adults are often immune to German measles.───成人往往对风疹有免疫力。

Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now.───我们的免疫系统正在杀死数以十亿计的细菌。

Your immune system has been desensitized because it has become used to the substance.───你的免疫系统已经因习惯了这种物质而不再敏感。


Most adults are immune to Rubella.

I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

Most people who've had chicken pox once are immune to it for the rest of their lives.

You'll eventually become immune to criticism.

The two sides solemnly declared, " The region must be made immune from any foreign interference.