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时间:2022-11-04 00:03:08 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2342字


Gogo's foot is hurt


戈高───Gogo ;脚───foot


There's jazz a gogo on our website.───我们的网站上有大量的爵士音乐。

Both Mobi TV and GoGo are applications that require users to pay a fee beyond the trial period.───Mobi TV和GoGo都是需要用户在试用期后付费的应用程序。

No, Gogo. I said a coat in a tree!───不, Gogo. 我说是一外衣在树上!

B. Gogo had a bad grade.───二、看图听问句,根据图的实际及提示回答问题.

Okay, I'm gogo for broke and bet all the cash I HAs on my cards.───行啦, 这回我得豁出去把我所有的钱都压在这付牌上.

Gogo is going to play video games.───六、按实际回答问题.

Basketball is like life, because you can go on the run , you can gogo down.───篮球就像人生, 因为你可以冲刺, 也会有起起落落.

What did you do, Gogo?───一 、 听读对话,把有关的词用线连接起来.
