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时间:2022-11-04 04:00:06 作者:学习啦 字数:3372字


Range Rover map


揽胜───Range Rover;图───chart


To further improve handling, the Range Rover Sport can be specified with the Dynamic Response system.───为了提高操控性, 揽胜运动版采用了动力反应系统.

Police believe Mr Liu was killed then driven to the river in his blue 2005 Range Rover Sport 4wd.───警方相信凶手杀死刘晨后驾驶其蓝色05年陆虎揽胜四轮驱动越野车到河边弃尸。

The 2010 Range Rover benefits from a comprehensive program of refinements to its vehicle dynamics.───2010年揽胜效益的全面规划的改进其车辆动态.

So what next, a hybrid petrol-electric version of the most macho of luxury SUVs, the Range Rover?───那么接下来呢,作为豪华SUV领域最有狂野气息的路虎会不会推出一款油气混合动力车呢?

While based on the Range Rover, the Discovery all new it matters.───发现在揽胜的基础上更新了其重点的部分.

Qunfeng stands here, verdant forests is Exploring the people of the excellent Range Rover.───这里群峰耸立,林木葱茏, 是游人探幽揽胜的绝佳之处.

For safer and more stable towing, the 2010 Range Rover incorporates Trailer Stability Assist.───更安全和更稳定的拖车, 2010年揽胜采用拖车稳定辅助.

In June, Land Rover launches a major new model line – the Range Rover.───6月, 路虎推出的一款重要的新车型—揽胜.


Range Rover diffs will fit easily but, with a worn engine, will probably make the consumption worse than it is.

A white Range Rover with blue markings jolted up the track to stop ten yards from the broken door.

While based on the Range Rover, the Discovery all new it matters.

To further improve handling, the Range Rover Sport can be specified with the Dynamic Response system.

The engine is also available in the Range Rover Sport.