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时间:2022-11-04 04:01:09 作者:星火作文 字数:3008字


Soft eyes


眼软───Soft eyes


Her soft eyes contained in their liquid luster, no suggestion of the knowledge of disappointment.───她轻柔的眼睛里洋溢着光彩,没有一丝失望的表情。

Milo Pressman - a systems specialist in his mid-twenties with sensitive features, soft eyes, and an earring - tapped the table with a well-gnawed pencil.───米洛·普雷斯曼——一位20来岁的系统专家,外貌敏感、眼神柔和、一只耳朵上戴着耳环——用一支被啃得残缺不全的铅笔轻轻敲打着桌面。

her soft eyes staring at me, I felt guilt and wanted to let her stay for the night.───她温柔地看着我,我感到愧疚,希望她留下来过夜。

He did not get angry, but hard and soft eyes down and earnestly advised her to.───他没有发火,反而坚硬的目光柔软下来,苦口婆心地劝她。

There may not even be a bombing, just a close-up on Nashef's soft eyes, and a white screen. Not even a 'boom.───甚至没有爆炸,只有伴随着Nashef双目缓缓地合上了,然后是满眼雪白的荧屏,甚至,没有一声“砰”。

The gratitude in his big, soft eyes was more eloquent than any words could have been.───他那双柔和的大眼睛里的感激神情比任何语言都更能达意。


Milo Pressman - a systems specialist in his mid-twenties with sensitive features, soft eyes, and an earring - tapped the table with a well-gnawed pencil.

She had large, soft eyes and her hair was tied back with a red ribbon.