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时间:2022-11-04 04:02:41 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2630字


At first


初然───At first


You will find it hard at first, but stick at it.───你会发现刚开始时有点难,但要坚持下去。

He walked towards the summerhouse, at first furtively, then with more confidence.───他朝凉亭走去,开始还偷偷摸摸地,后来就壮大了胆子。

At first I scoffed at the notion.───刚开始时我对那种想法嗤之以鼻。

I didn't like the job much at first.───起初我并不很喜欢这个工作。

At first we chatted agree-ably about his trips to London and Paris.───一开始,我们愉快地聊起他的伦敦和巴黎之行。

Dart, who had at first been very tense, at last relaxed.───起初,达特非常紧张,最后终于放松了下来。

At first, neither man could speak.───开始两个人都不能说。

At first, he was blissfully unaware of the conspiracy against him.───起初,他幸好不知道那些针对他的阴谋。


At first, he was really scared.

It can be tricky at first, but persevere.

Love at first sight.

At first I scoffed at the notion.

If at first you don't succeed try, try and try again.