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时间:2022-11-04 08:00:43 作者:学习啦 字数:2751字


Rural music


乡乐───Rural music


I now hope to re-building of rural music, but it is still a lack of funds for the time being, hoping Asia will enable them to London to resume travel.───我现在希望可以重新建设农家乐,但是资金暂时还很缺乏,希望伦敦亚洲可以帮助他们恢复旅游。

in remote areas of the countryside, in rural locations, music was more traditional, the same songs that were enjoyed by previous generations.───在偏远的农村地区,音乐是更传统的,和前几代人喜欢的歌曲是一样的。

a sense, China's main positions in music education in rural areas, rural music education will have a direct impact on our school music education as a whole.───某种意义上说,我国音乐教育的主要阵地在农村,农村音乐教育的好坏直接影响着我国学校音乐教育的整体水平。

The present issues covered in rural music education include lack of professional teachers, inadequacy of funds, etc.───我国农村中小学音乐教育目前存在专职教师不足、音乐教育投入匮乏等问题。

And so she will present performances of rural music, ranging from ancient court and ritual melodies to folk tunes.───所以这一次她将从古代的宫廷音乐、仪式庆乐到民歌曲调,为我们呈现一系列富于田园风光的音乐。
