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时间:2022-11-04 08:03:03 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3163字


Recite Tang Poetry


唐诗───Tang Poetry;朗诵───Recitation


I taught kids in my class to read Tang Poetry.───这是一张我正在教我们班的小朋友读唐诗的照片.

The Chinese parasol image contains plentiful love meanings in Tang Poetry.───唐诗中梧桐意象蕴含着丰富的爱情意义.

study of this paper is part of that of artology of Tang poetry.───本论文的研究属于唐诗艺术学中的一个组成部分。

Tang poetry has profound impacts on Chinese literature.───唐诗对中国文学的影响极为深远。

The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry.───这位学者的兴趣局限于唐诗.

Objectively speaking , the road of Tang Poetry helped Tang Poetry to develop and flourish.───客观上是有利于唐朝诗歌的发展和繁荣昌盛的.

Arthur Waley's translations of Chinese Tang poetry have become classics of twentieth - century English verse.───亚瑟?丰利翻译的中国唐诗已成为20世纪英语诗歌中的精品.

I taught kids in my class to read Tang Poetry.───我正在教我们班的小朋友读唐诗的照片。


Tang poetry and Song Ci are shining pearls in the treasure-house of Chinese literature.

The seven-character quatrain is one of the most representative forms of the Tang poetry.

Undoubtedly, the discussion about the art of Tang poetry of palace repining is the key part.

The Chinese parasol image contains plentiful love meanings in Tang Poetry.

On the premise of people's identical thinking activities, translation principles on image of Tang poetry should both take semantic equivalence and aesthetic equivalence into consideration.