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时间:2022-11-04 12:00:35 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2431字


Goldfish is no trouble at all


金鱼───Goldfish;一点───one o'clock


He keeps a lot of goldfish.───他养了许多金鱼.

The pond contains a mixture of goldfish and carp.───池塘里混养着金鱼和鲤鱼.

Fancy goldfish, too, are collected more now.───奇特的金鱼现在也被更多喂养.

I like this fantail goldfish.───我喜欢这条扇尾金鱼。

Andrea : There's the girl in the goldfish bowl.───一个女孩在一个金鱼盆里.

And raises the goldfish most be in fashion is southern Europe countries and so on Portugal.───其中养金鱼最风行的则是南欧的葡萄牙等国.

A goldfish rose to the surface of the little pond, with a sharp rippling sound.───那小池塘里, 一条金鱼浮上水面来,激起一片涟漪,清脆的一声响.

Goldfish, goldfish! What do you see?───金鱼,金鱼!你看到了什么?


The pond contains a mixture of goldfish and carp.