I'm going to do manual work
Few can equal [ compare with ] her in manual dexterity.───论手巧,一般人都不如她.
Can test automation replace manual testing?───测试自动化能否替代手工测试?
Manual accounting system is used only by small businesses.───手工会计系统只适用于小型企业.
There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.───有一只手摇水泵用来排水。
They do manual labor in the fields all the year round.───他们一年到头干农活.
She opened her desk drawer and took out the manual.───她打开书桌抽屉,拿出手册。
You need manual dexterity to be good at video games.───玩好电子游戏手要灵巧。
Practical system includes three modules: basic skills, manual operation and computerized operation.───实训体系包括三大模块, 即 基本技能 、 手工操作、电算化操作.
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