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时间:2022-11-04 20:00:14 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3236字


Love and respect


情敬───Love and respect


Jessie: And I love and respect him for that!───杰西: 而我因此爱他,尊敬他!

Qi Guilian's students always remember her special way of teaching them to show love and respect.───齐桂莲的学生对齐老师教育他们热爱他人、尊重他人的方法记忆犹新.

We love and respect you for what you are, warts and all.───她错把他的对女性的尊重看成了爱情.

The happiness and achievement for teachers are not material reward but love and respect from students.───教师最大的幸福和成就不在于物质的回报,而是在于学生对他们的爱戴.

Anna Jarvis thought mothers should be honored with expressions of love and respect.───安娜-贾维斯认为母亲们应该受到爱和敬意般情感的尊重.

Outstanding athletes, a well - deserved focus of the Olympics, by the people's love and respect.───杰出的运动员, 是当之无愧的奥运焦点, 深受人们的喜爱和尊敬.

He won the love and respect of the surrounding peasants.───他赢得了周围农民的热爱和尊敬.

Give yourself the approval to love and respect everything that you are and will become.───全身心地去爱和尊重自己的现在与将来.


Do you love and respect yourself enough to be able to read it in front of you on paper?

It is possible for both parents and children to show mutual love and respect in spite of their very different views.

Guideline 7: Show your affection and foster your child's love and respect.

I am not saying they're all pussycats but if you love and respect them, they will return those qualities tenfold.

Mr Harper is dedicated to his work earning nothing but love and respect for it.