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时间:2022-11-04 20:01:38 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2471字


Rarely, not often


很少不常───Rarely, not often


The boy rarely complained, even though his sorry state did not match the glorious fate about which he often daydreamed.───这个男孩儿很少抱怨,虽然他常常幻想自己将会有多么辉煌的命运,但是他当时的可怜境况与之相比简直是天壤之别。

The phone is not often played, and usually often work as an excuse to her parents rarely take the initiative to sit, even to eat a kind of luxury, "no time, busy with work," is that he often say.───电话也不经常打了,平时常以工作为借口,极少主动到父母身边小坐,连吃饭都变成一种奢侈,“没时间,工作忙”,是自己经常说的话。

in this type of contracting is rarely done when engaging for internal work and is often not done - or not done completely - when engaging in external work.───在与组织内部一起工作时,签订的这种类型的合约很少可以完成;而与组织外部人员一起工作时,这种合约经常不能完成——或者说不能完成的不彻底。
