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时间:2022-11-04 20:03:47 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2962字


Class one every seven years


一班───Class one;七年───Seven years


He's English and he's in Class One.───他是英国人,他在一班。

Class One grade Seven, this is my class.───七年级一班,这是我的班级。

I'm Chinese, and I'm in Class One.───我是中国人,我在一班。

As you know, there will be a speech competition on environment protection between Class One and our class.───大家都知道,一班和我们班之间将进行一场有关环保问题的演讲比赛。

Using a process developed by Helice Bridges of Del Mar, California, she called each student to the front of the class, one at a time.───她利用加利佛尼亚德尔玛地区的赫雷斯布里奇推广的程序,把每个学生叫到班级前,每次只叫一个人。

Be prepared to read your paper and illustrate how the moment of the photograph is reached in class one day after Session #4.───第四堂课隔天,请同学准备报告自己的作业并且说明照片所凝聚的那一刻是如何塑造而成。


Her daughter came to the class one day, and a child who had not spoken before began speaking in simple sentences.

They teamed Class One with Class Two.

In each class, one group presents the case, and the other group is the discussant .

The American government classifies both asbestos and environmental tobacco smoke as class one carcinogens.

Class One will play football with Class Two _________ next weekday.