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时间:2022-11-05 00:19:26 作者:学习啦 字数:2581字


This is me in 20 years


二十年───Twenty years;就是───namely


Dave and I go back twenty years.───我和戴夫相识有二十年了。

He joined the force twenty years ago.───他二十年前加入了警队。

He was jailed for twenty years.───他被监禁了20年。

And, of course, there is the case of the Japanese real estate, where investors lost 40 percent of their money over the last twenty years.───当然,日本房地产也是这种情况,投资者在过去二十年亏损了40%。

A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, but another woman can make a fool of him in twenty minutes.───母亲花二十年把她的孩子变成一个男人,另外一个女人只用了二十分钟就能把男人变成傻瓜。

The matter must be date up to twenty years ago .───那大约是二十年前的事了。


I was twenty years old and ready for anything.

Most people worked an eight-hour day twenty years ago.

She's been dead for twenty years now.

We've lived on this farm for twenty years.

Their friendship lasted for twenty years.