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时间:2022-11-05 04:00:26 作者:星火作文 字数:3059字


Do you need a train ticket


火车票───Train tickets;你───you


Train tickets are usually sold five days in advance.───火车票通常提前天出售.

Be responsible for business traveling arrangement, including air, train tickets and hotel booking.───负责员工的差旅安排, 包括:订机票 、 火车票、酒店预订.

He often helps tourists buy train tickets or medicine.───他经常帮助游客购买火车票或药品。

McCord just used it to buy train tickets and it's not in his wallet.───麦克考德刚用它买了火车票,但却不在他的皮夹里.

Students can buy train tickets at half price during summer and winter vacations.───寒暑假的时候乘车,学生可以享有半价优惠.

Yesterday, the bullet train tickets were among the first to be sold out.───昨天最早售罄的是动车组的票.

Accessibility of the hotel a full service, guests can purchase train tickets, air tickets.───本酒店交通方便,服务项目齐全, 可为宾客代购火车票 、 飞机票.

Dalian are sold at that window.───大连的火车票在那个窗口卖。


It was just costing them a lot of money in phone calls and train tickets to London.

The chip in the card also allows you to tap automated kiosks for subway and train tickets, which is a time-saver if there are long lines at the ticket counter.

Yesterday, the bullet train tickets were among the first to be sold out.

The price of train tickets can vary from the reasonable to the ridiculous.

OAPs get cheaper bus and train tickets.