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时间:2022-11-05 04:04:26 作者:星火作文 字数:2694字


How many tables and chairs


桌椅───Tables and chairs;多少───How many?


As everyone scattered, an enormous man burst through the door, threw tables and chairs aside and strode up to the bar.───人们刚刚跑散,一个巨人就撞进酒馆,他把桌椅扔到边上大步走向吧台。

When Hua reached his shop, it had been completely cleaned. Rows of tables and chairs were mirroring light.───老栓走到家,店面早经收拾干净,一排一排的茶桌,滑溜溜的发光。

I use traditional Chinese elements, "clouds" to "decorate" , the formation of such a traditional charm with modern tables and chairs.───我用中国传统元素“祥云”来“装饰”它,形成这种具有传统韵味的现代桌椅。


Inside there were card tables and chairs, overstuffed couches and simple kitchen equipment.

Canopy, Tables and Chairs, Face Towel, Water.

All the tables and chairs are of solid dark wood to match the dark stained original wooden beams of the mill.

In the evenings, people gather at tables and chairs in the main square to chat, sip ouzo (an anise drink), or play backgammon .

After the evening party they reset the tables and chairs.