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时间:2022-11-05 08:00:58 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2595字


You always lie. I won't believe you any more




You're lying,' he said baldly.───你撒谎。”他直截了当地说。

I was lying on my stomach soaking up the sun.───我正趴在那里晒着太阳。

These unenterprising people have money lying idle in a bank.───这些没有进取精神的人把钱都闲置在银行里.

The suspicion that she was lying continued to nag at me.───我怀疑她撒谎,这使我烦闷不已.

He is a lying scoundrel!───他是个无耻的骗子!

Judith could vaguely remember her mother lying on the sofa.───朱迪丝隐约记得她母亲躺在沙发上的情景。

I ran up the stairs and saw Alison lying at the top.───我跑上楼梯,见艾莉森躺在那里。

Far from lying low, Kuti became more outspoken than ever.───库蒂不但没暂避风头,而且较以往更加直言不讳。


The students are lying out in the sun.

'I know you're lying.' 'Prove it!'

It is quite obvious that he is lying.

Lying rides upon debt’s back.

The body was lying on the kitchen floor.